Each of us has two temporomandibular joints that act as a hinge which connects the jawbone to the skull. Because these joints control chewing, yawning, and speaking, it’s normal for them to leave a person feeling pain or discomfort. Problems in this area can cause head and neck pain, facial pain, ear pain, headaches, or make the jaw difficult to open. This is called temporomandibular joint disorder and Dr. Vijay Munagala of Redwood Dental Smiles can treat this condition.

TMJ can develop from an injury to the face, wear and tear due to aging, or oral habits such as grinding the teeth. Individuals with TMJ syndrome may notice clicking or popping sounds when chewing or speaking, frequent headaches, dizziness, or a locked jaw.  If these symptoms sound too familiar, discuss your symptoms with Dr. Vijay Munagala. Treatment for TMJ disorder usually requires a night guard to wear during sleep.

If you have questions or concerns regarding TMJ disorder, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Vijay Munagala of Redwood Dental Smiles in Castro Valley, CA, call 510-886-6416.


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