Acid Reflux

We’re prepared at Redwood Dental Smiles in Castro Valley to help repair damage to our patients’ teeth, but we want them to know how to prevent it, too. One of the more common causes of toothaches is acid reflux, which causes the teeth to lose their protective covering.

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid is able to escape through an open sphincter into the esophagus. A person is diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) if this happens multiple times in a week. Stomach acid is highly corrosive and burns the esophagus as it moves, causing the patient to feel heartburn. If it gets as far as the mouth, it wears away dental enamel, causing the teeth to look glazed and discolored before becoming pitted. Because of their position, the upper back teeth are the first to be affected.

Bonding and partial crowns can be used to restore lost enamel, but the problem will recur until the acid reflux is brought under control. Patients should avoid smoking and not drink alcohol or consume large amounts of onions, garlic, fried meats, dairy, or citric juice before bed.

Redwood Dental Smiles is operated by Dr. Vijay Munagala at 20212 Redwood Rd, Suite 101, Castro Valley, California, 64546. To schedule an appointment, visit Redwood Dental Smiles or call 510-886-6416.



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