How to Floss
To get the most out of your oral care routine, this can’t be done by brushing, alone. It’s important to floss afterward because flossing removes the particles between our teeth that the brush isn’t able to reach. Flossing reduces bad breath, eliminates gingivitis, and prevents periodontal disease. Dr. Vijay Munagala of Redwood Dental Smiles wants patients to receive maximum benefits from flossing by using this technique.
- Break off about 18 inches of floss and wind most of it around one of your middle fingers. Wind the remaining floss around the same finger of the opposite hand. This finger will take up the floss as it becomes dirty.
- Hold the floss tightly between your thumbs and forefingers.
- Guide the floss between your teeth using a gentle rubbing motion. Never snap the floss into the gums.
- When the floss reaches the gum line, curve it into a “C” shape against one tooth. Gently slide it into the space between the gum and the tooth.
- Hold the floss tightly against the tooth. Gently rub the side of the tooth, moving the floss away from the gum with up-and-down motions. Repeat this method on the rest of your teeth and don’t forget the back ones!
If you have questions or concerns regarding preventive dentistry, please give us a call. To learn about the services we provide at our practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Vijay Munagala of Redwood Dental Smiles in Castro Valley, CA, call 510-886-6416.
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